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A Section 8 Registered Non Profit Organization

Vision and Mission

Himalayan Volunteer Tourism / Vision and Mission


Inspire and encourage individuals and organisations to serve and be part of a positive change. A community engaged in positive change and transformed by service.



Rooted in volunteerism, play the role of a facilitator and a catalyst to drive and deliver inclusive social change in the Himalayan region.

Core Belief & Values

Steered by 4 S’s - Selflessness, Sacrifice, Service and Support, our core beliefs emerge from these two very thought-provoking quotes:

|  ‘The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others’Mahatma Gandhi
|  ‘Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love’ – Mother Teresa

Our core values are entrenched in;

Community, Empowerment, Innovation, Diversity, Inclusivity, Integrity, and Ownership.

Register As A Volunteer